The Intellectual Property Federation (IPF) is a non-governmental organization created in 2013. In 2015, the main focus of its activities was the coordination and organization of interaction of societies for collective management of rights, the formation of an effective and transparent system for protecting copyright and related rights. In 2017, the Federation expanded its activities and covered all areas of the intellectual property law and regulations.

At the same time, the emphasis in the work of the Federation has shifted to the field of interaction with structured industries, in which the share of the intellectual component in products and services is significant - the music and film industries, animation and computer games, the fashion industry, software, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, personalized industrial production and many others.


  • development of recommendations for managing intellectual property in specific areas;
  • improvement of legislative mechanisms;
  • holding social and professional events;
  • analytical and sociological research;
  • educational activities and hosting of events aimed at informing the population about current laws and regulations in Russian related to intellectual rights, opportunities to become an owner and participate in real economic processes.
Sergey Matveev
Vice President, R&D
Ekaterina Chukovskaya
Vice President for Legal Affairs
Vera Martinovich
Chairman of the Presidium
Nikita Mikhalkov
Suren Shaumyan
Marina Georgieva
Alexander Sukhotin
Maxim Dmitriev
Larisa Nazarova


12, Rodionovskaya Str., Moscow 145466 Russia

Tel.: +7 495 298 6893


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